Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

WebsydianSEI - Message

WSE0097 - EventHandler not found in library

Error message

Unregistered event could not be registered. Event "&1" not in library "&2".


&1 - The event id.

&2 - The library/folder, where the application has tried to find the EventHandler.


An unregistered event has been received.

The event could not be registered as the program object for the EventHandler could not be found in the library/folder specified in the message.

Alternatively, the program object does exist in the library - but does not have the correct interface/behavior.


The library/folder is specified by the Site Setting "Library for created events". Please check whether the program object (WinC: the dll, RPG: the *PGM object) exists in the specified library/folder.

If this is not the case, either change the Site Setting to specify the correct library/folder or move the program object to the correct folder (for WinC - remember to also move any .pnl files).

If the program object exists in the specified library/folder, please check whether the program has got the correct parameter interface and does exhibit the correct behavior when called with the Register action.

The parameter interface and behavior can be checked as follows - dependent on the development tool used to create the function: